Saturday, February 17, 2018

Apetamin Questions

Lately I have been receiving a lot of questions about maintaining the weight ,gain from using Apetamin. First let me say, everything I post is my opinion and from my own personal experience. In no way am I a doctor, I can only go off my experience and can't speak for everyone. As we know, everyone body is different and what works for one might not work for all. From my experience, I gain weight fast by using Apetamin.

 But one of the main questions I received is " Does the weight remain"? From my experience, months after using Apetamin I did notice I started to lose some of the weight. So recently I decided to purchase some more and this time the weight sticked. What I have notice is Apetamin is great to get you started on your weight gain journey and can definitely expedite the process but I notice if you want to maintain the weight, working out and having a high protein diet can help you keep those extra pounds. Once again this is what worked for me. I have been able to maintain my pounds without needing to purchase more Apetamin. Good Luck to you all on your weight gain journey.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Does Apetamin Work? The Answer is Yes!

By now you have already heard of Apetamin Syrup and you just want to know more about it. If you would like to know if Apetamin works, the answer is yes. Not only does it work but it works well and it's great for gaining weight and gaining it fast! If you have not read my blog, then take a little time to read some of my prior posts to get to know a little about me and my weight gain journey. This stuff is absolutely great.

Many don't understand that gaining weight is just as important to underweight individuals as losing weight is to overweight individuals. I have always struggled with gaining weight until I found Apetamin, this stuff has been a life saver. With the syrup, you will be able to gain weight fast. But for those who don't know it also comes in pill form call Apeta-tabs. I have tried both and they both work great! To be honest I'm starting to like the pills better because I feel as if I'm able to maintain my weight gain more with the pills versus the syrup. After taking the syrup I notice it was a little struggle trying to maintain the weight. Not as much with the pills, seem as if the weight just stayed on. 

Also, in my opinion, it seems as if, the Apetamin syrup works faster. At least for me, I was able to gain more weight faster with the syrup but the Apeta-tabs takes a little longer to put on the pounds but I love the tablets more due to convenience and the pounds seems to stick. Different strokes for different folks, in my opinion, you should probably order both and determine what works best for you. Some people like to alternate between the two, to each it's own.

If you are looking to order Apetamin, you can order here: Order Apetamin

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

UPDATE: Apetamin is selling out everywhere! Learn Where to Buy Apetamin 2017

For those who follow my blog, you know I'm a firm believer of Apetamin and its ability to put on the pounds if you are looking to gain weight fast. Lately, it has been very hard to find Apetamin Syrup because it has been selling off the shelves like HOTCAKES. I usually recommend purchasing from Ebay but I have had some bad experiences with Ebay lately when it comes to sellers who offer the Apetamin Syrup. Click Here to Buy Apetamin @ 

Recently I purchased the Apetamin Tablets online. Waiting on my shipment will let you guys know how the tablets work. Usually I order the Apetamin cyproheptadine lysine and vitamins syrup, so this will be my first time trying the tablets so I will update you guys on my preference. Tablets vs Syrup! Feel free to leave a comment if you have already tried the tablets and let us all know if you had success with them.

Apetamin-P Tablets Update: I've now received my Apetamin Tablets, have been taking them for about 1 week now. It's suggested to take the tablets at least twice a day but I was only taking them at night, due to the tiredness and sleepiness they cause. I have gained approximately 3 pounds in the week of taking them. Notice a slight appetite increase since taking the tablets.

Update 8/16/17: Think I'm starting to like the pills better than the syrup. I ordered just one pack of Apetamin tablets as mention above because it was my first time ordering the tablets so did not know if they would work or not but after taking them for about two weeks, I love them. When taking the pills it's recommended to take twice a day but I only took mine once at night before going to bed and I still gain about 8 pounds in about two weeks and I'm so happy. Probably about to order another pack or two just in case I want to gain a few more pounds. Some say the tablets don't work, in my case they work great. Notice they do work slower versus Apetamin syrup, could be due to me not taking the pills twice a day as recommended but either way I'm happy! I gained 8 pounds in about 2 weeks and I'm happy Click Here to Order Apetamin

Sunday, January 29, 2017

How to Put on Weight? Guaranteed

Do you want to put on weight but don't know how? I'm not going to waste a lot of your time with a bunch of fluff. If you are serious about gaining weight then you must try Apetamin! It's a guaranteed way to gaining weight fast and healthy. 

If you have read any of my prior post then you probably already know that I've been using Apetamin for a few weeks now and will be posting pictures soon, when my weight gain truly become noticeable. I will say within my first two days of using this product I gain 2 pounds,  That might not sound like a lot but it truly is for such a short amount of time.

Oh and if you want to place a order, I recommend purchasing from one of the great sellers on Ebay because there is alot of fraudulent sellers online. I've heard alot of horror stories of people placing orders and never receiving it. So please purchase from a reputable seller, I recommend Ebay because every transaction is guaranteed on Ebay, allowing you to feel safe during transaction. 

You can click here to Order Apetamin or just click on one of the links to the right of page and it will take you directly to Ebay to complete purchase. Don't forget to follow my blog so you can keep up with my progress.

Update Please Read: I no longer recommend purchasing your apetamin from Ebay. I have been burned a few times using Ebay. You can Click Here to Order Apetamin 

Monday, January 23, 2017

Another Apetamin Update-How 2 Gain Weight

If you have not ready any of my prior blog posts, then know this blog is for anyone who wants to know how 2 gain weight. If you have not done so, please read my prior posts so you can keep up with my weight gain journey. Okay, now that we have that out of the way. I just want to give you an update on my weight gain.

Just want to let you all know I will be posting some full body pics again of my new body! I have not got around to it yet but I think the last pictures I posted, my weight was about 131 pounds. If you read my prior post then you probably know that I'm now at 138 pounds approximately. I say approximately because sometimes water weight can up your number a little.

Today I want to share an Apetamin update from another loyal user. Watch the video below as she discusses how 2 gain weight with Apetamin. She talks about how she was able to gain weight with Apetamin and how she had such a huge appetite thanks to the Apetamin syrup. But she also discussed how she notices her appetite slowed down after taking Apetamin for a while. She felt as if the syrup was not working as well as it was in the beginning because of her appetite slowing decrease.

But I'm here to tell you, even if you feel like your appetite is decreasing, still, continue to take the Apetamin and you will continue to gain weight. Personally, I now take the Apetamin at night before going to bed and I don't really eat as much as when I first start taking the Apetamin syrup but I'm still gaining weight! So don't get discouraged if your appetite slows down, you will still gain weight.

Update Please Read: I no longer recommend purchasing your apetamin from Ebay. I have been burned a few times using Ebay. Click Here to Order Apetamin 

Sunday, January 8, 2017

What Happens When You Stop Taking Apetamin

Okay if you read my prior posts then you probably already know that I gained weight using Apetamin. For anyone who doesn't know, I used Apetamin for about 3 weeks. A lot of people want to know what happens when you stop taking Apetamin syrup, most want to know if the weight stays on or not. For me, the answer is yes and no.

Maybe 2-3 weeks after using the syrup the extra pounds remain but slowly my appetite started to decrease again. I notice I started to drop a few pounds, approximately 2-3 pounds. Did not want to drop too many pounds so I started using the vitamin syrup again. Gained my 2-3 pounds back plus a few more.

Also when I first started my apetamin journey, I was taking the syrup approximately 3 times a day. Due to drowsiness the Apetamin syrup causes, I decided to only take the syrup at night shortly before going to bed. I have now found out taking it just one time a day at night time, works just as well as taking it 3 times a day,  at least for me it does. Apetamin syrup works!

For anyone who has tried the syrup, please don't hesitate to leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you about your journey. Also for anyone who want to purchase Apetamin, click the link in the upper right corner and it will take you straight to Ebay to place your order. Good Luck to you all on your weight gain journey. I'm now at a 138 pounds my highest weight ever for those who don't know I was approximately 123 pounds when I started my weight gain journey.

Update Please Read: I no longer recommend purchasing your apetamin from Ebay. I have been burned a few times using Ebay. Click Here to Order Apetamin 

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Apetamin Update!! Gain 12 pounds After One Month of Use

Okay you guys I have been on Apetamin for about a month now and I have gain 12-13 pounds and I'm happy!! If you read my prior posts then you probably already know that I purchase 4 bottles of Apetamin at once. 4 bottles is only a month supply, so it really depend on how much weight you are trying to gain in order to determine the number of bottles you need to order. I recommend purchasing at least a months supply. If you have been following my blog then you know that I promise to post my before and after pictures once I started seeing results. DRUM ROLL PLEASE.......

For those who don't know, I started my weight gain journey weighing approximately 123 pounds. Now I'm currently weighing 135 pounds. I was able to reach my current weight with use of 2 1/2 bottles of Apetamin syrup. I originally purchase 4 bottles but only used 2 1/2. 135 pounds was enough weight for me also Apetamin can make you really sleepy! I have a lot of projects that I'm working on and really couldn't afford all the extra naps Apetamin contributed to but this stuff really works! The extra bottle and half  bottle, I'm going to keep just in case I might need it again.

It has been over a week since I have stop using Apetamin syrup and my weight has remain steady. My appetite is steady but I don't eat as much compared to when I was taking the syrup. To anyone wondering if they should try this my answer is yes unless you have some type of medical issues preventing use. I do recommend consulting your doctor before use because if you have Thyroid issues some doctors might not recommend the use of this product. But if you are looking to gain weight Apetamin is one the best options out right now! If you are looking to order click here

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Apetamin Before and After!

Watch this before and after video from one of Apetamin loyal users. She actually called it the Holly Grail for weight gain, which personally I agree. She explains more about the vitamins and how it works for her. I have been using this stuff for a few weeks and it's the best thing I have found thus far for gaining weight. This stuff is guaranteed to put the pounds on so if you have not already go ahead and place your order cause this stuff works and it's guaranteed! Don't forget to follow my blog because I will be posting photos soon of my before and after pictures.

Also if you watch the video the young lady explain how you can't not just order Apetamin from anywhere, which is true. There are a lot of fake and fraud sellers out here selling Apetamin, I have read a few stories about that type of stuff taking place. As she mention in the video the person or company she purchase the product from actually stole money from her account. They sent her the product and stole an additional $300 dollars out of her account. So be careful of who you make your purchase from. If you have read some of my other post, I recommend going on Ebay to make your purchase as I did. You Should see to the right of this page a few links to Ebay so you can make your purchase directly from my blog by clicking on one the links to the right. Also you can Order Apetamin Here, it will direct you to Ebay with reputable sellers.

Update Please Read: I no longer recommend purchasing your apetamin from Ebay. I have been burned a few times using Ebay. I have now updated the links  Click Here to Order Apetamin 

Also I encourage readers to post their Apetamin Weight Journey Stories and Pictures. Good Luck Everyone on your Weight Gain Journey

Friday, November 4, 2016

What is Apetamin and Does it Help with Weight Gain? Buy Apetamin Syrup Online

Apetamin is used for weight gain and boosting appetite. It's often recommended for those who suffer from anorexia, loss of appetite or poor eating habits. Apetamin comes in the form of a syrup or pill and is used for adults as well as kids. Apetamin contains a unique combination of Cyproheptadine, Lysine, and Vitamins. Cyproheptadine and lysine being essential in limiting amino acid help to promote appetite. It's safe to use and is an over the counter item. 

The cost varies but usually range from $17-34 dollars per bottle. This product is highly recommended by those looking to gain weight. Including my self, I've tried this product and it truly works. I have been using this product for a little over two weeks now. If you have not already please read my review of this product by Reading my prior post Gain Weight Fast and Safe with Apetamin!! Read My Review. If you are looking to buy Apetamin Syrup Online Click Here. I will be updating my blog regularly, updating you guys with my weight gain journey. Please Follow my blog to stay updated on progress. I will be posting my before and after photos soon. I would love to see you guys progress as well so don't hesitate to comment and post before and after photos. 

If you were using Apetamin prior to finding my blog I would still love to hear your success stories to motivate some of the rest of the readers.

Update Please Read: I no longer recommend purchasing your apetamin from Ebay. I have been burned a few times using Ebay. I have now found a reputable supplier (Aworks) Click Here to Order Apetamin 

Monday, October 31, 2016

Gain Weight Fast and Safe with Apetamin!! Read My Review

Alert!!!Alert!!!Alert!!! Finally something was created for those of us who are trying to GAIN weight instead of losing it. Okay, I know you just want me to get straight to the point and let you know exactly how you can gain weight fast and safe. The answer is Apetamin and for those of you who are in a hurry and don't have time to read the rest of my blog then you can go ahead and Buy Apetamin Syrup Online by Clicking Here

For those of you who have time, please keep on reading. I have struggled my whole life with gaining weight. I'm 32 and have remain my high school weight my whole life which is a 120 pounds. To me I feel very fragile and small. While every one around me was gaining weight I was struggling just to maintain the few pounds I have. Apetamin has been like a knight in shiny armor for me, before actually ordering the product I had read a ton of reviews with 90% of them all positive. It took me less then 5 minutes to know I had to have this product. You can actually read some reviews  by clicking the link below and also I have posted a video above from one of Apetamin loyal users.  Click HERE to Read Reviews (scroll to bottom of page to read complete reviews.) 

After reading apetamin reviews I went ahead and ordered 5 bottles off of ebay, cause you save money by buying in bulk because the bottle is small and usually last for about a week or two. Some places sell this stuff for about $30.00- $50.00 a bottle. Go to Ebay CLICK HERE and you can get 5 bottles for $81.00 plus free shipping. One of the best deals I have found. Most places either over charge for the product itself or really increase the price of shipping. For those of you who really don't have $81.00 to spend right now, you can just order 1 or 2 bottles for now and purchase more when you have a little extra to spare it really depends on how much weight you are trying to gain. If you just looking to gain an extra 5 pounds then 1-2 bottles should be enough. Look to the right of this page and you should see some links to ebay to purchase smaller quantities.

You can purchase your order from the same Ebay Seller as I did by clicking the link in prior paragraph or just use one of the link to the right of page, which will take you directly to ebay for purchase. If you are serious about your weight gain journey then go ahead and purchase a few bottles upfront because this stuff really works. Keep reading because I would like to tell you a little bit more about me and my weight gain journey.

I've searched the internet for years looking for supplements or some type of advice to gaining weight and the most Information I could find was people advising to eat more calories...DUH!! That's a no brainier if I could eat more calories I would. The problem with most of us looking to gain weight we don't have much of an appetite so it's kind of hard to consume 50 million calories if you don't have much of an appetite! So to be honest I just found out about Apetamin about 4 weeks ago. This stuff come in the form of a syrup or pill. I found out from another user by reading their blog and boy was I grateful. When I placed my order. I ordered the syrup versus the Apetamin pills because I notice that's what most people ordered and had nothing but great things to say. The only bad that I've read about this product is that use could result to drowsiness and sleepiness, which is true for some. It actually does make me a little drowsy within the first 30 minutes of taking it but I can deal with that in exchange for a few extra pounds. 

My Results thus far: As of today 10/31/2016 I have gained over 5lbs already and that's from approximately two weeks of use. This product works better than any other product I have tried. I've tried vitamins, Plus Boost Drinks and Protein Shakes and nothing compares to Apetamin. This stuff works give it a try, don't just take my word for it. Go get you some then come back here to report your results. Oh and best of all my doctor gave me the okay to use, he didn't see any problem with using it to gain weight. Also make sure to bookmark my blog because I will be posting pictures of my progress with some before and after pictures.Good Luck to you all.

Update Please Read: I no longer recommend purchasing your apetamin from Ebay. I have been burned a few times using Ebay. You can now order your Apetamin Click Here to Order Apetamin