Sunday, January 8, 2017

What Happens When You Stop Taking Apetamin

Okay if you read my prior posts then you probably already know that I gained weight using Apetamin. For anyone who doesn't know, I used Apetamin for about 3 weeks. A lot of people want to know what happens when you stop taking Apetamin syrup, most want to know if the weight stays on or not. For me, the answer is yes and no.

Maybe 2-3 weeks after using the syrup the extra pounds remain but slowly my appetite started to decrease again. I notice I started to drop a few pounds, approximately 2-3 pounds. Did not want to drop too many pounds so I started using the vitamin syrup again. Gained my 2-3 pounds back plus a few more.

Also when I first started my apetamin journey, I was taking the syrup approximately 3 times a day. Due to drowsiness the Apetamin syrup causes, I decided to only take the syrup at night shortly before going to bed. I have now found out taking it just one time a day at night time, works just as well as taking it 3 times a day,  at least for me it does. Apetamin syrup works!

For anyone who has tried the syrup, please don't hesitate to leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you about your journey. Also for anyone who want to purchase Apetamin, click the link in the upper right corner and it will take you straight to Ebay to place your order. Good Luck to you all on your weight gain journey. I'm now at a 138 pounds my highest weight ever for those who don't know I was approximately 123 pounds when I started my weight gain journey.

Update Please Read: I no longer recommend purchasing your apetamin from Ebay. I have been burned a few times using Ebay. Click Here to Order Apetamin 


  1. Have been using apetamin syrup for 1month now.since than have been gotting big not filling like I wented to die my period too is not coming.and have stop using it.please what can I do to become normal back from the sickness.

  2. I stopped taking apetamin after 6 months of using it and I got deathly ill. Nausea , dizziness that last meat days. Cold sweats and panic attacks .... not worth it don’t take it

  3. I really appreciate this wonderful post that you have provided for us. I assure this would be beneficial for most of the people. Thanks for sharing the information keep updating, looking forward to more posts. High Quality Apetamin syrup

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