Tuesday, July 18, 2017

UPDATE: Apetamin is selling out everywhere! Learn Where to Buy Apetamin 2017

For those who follow my blog, you know I'm a firm believer of Apetamin and its ability to put on the pounds if you are looking to gain weight fast. Lately, it has been very hard to find Apetamin Syrup because it has been selling off the shelves like HOTCAKES. I usually recommend purchasing from Ebay but I have had some bad experiences with Ebay lately when it comes to sellers who offer the Apetamin Syrup. Click Here to Buy Apetamin @ LetsGainWeight.com 

Recently I purchased the Apetamin Tablets online. Waiting on my shipment will let you guys know how the tablets work. Usually I order the Apetamin cyproheptadine lysine and vitamins syrup, so this will be my first time trying the tablets so I will update you guys on my preference. Tablets vs Syrup! Feel free to leave a comment if you have already tried the tablets and let us all know if you had success with them.

Apetamin-P Tablets Update: I've now received my Apetamin Tablets, have been taking them for about 1 week now. It's suggested to take the tablets at least twice a day but I was only taking them at night, due to the tiredness and sleepiness they cause. I have gained approximately 3 pounds in the week of taking them. Notice a slight appetite increase since taking the tablets.

Update 8/16/17: Think I'm starting to like the pills better than the syrup. I ordered just one pack of Apetamin tablets as mention above because it was my first time ordering the tablets so did not know if they would work or not but after taking them for about two weeks, I love them. When taking the pills it's recommended to take twice a day but I only took mine once at night before going to bed and I still gain about 8 pounds in about two weeks and I'm so happy. Probably about to order another pack or two just in case I want to gain a few more pounds. Some say the tablets don't work, in my case they work great. Notice they do work slower versus Apetamin syrup, could be due to me not taking the pills twice a day as recommended but either way I'm happy! I gained 8 pounds in about 2 weeks and I'm happy Click Here to Order Apetamin

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