Saturday, February 17, 2018

Apetamin Questions

Lately I have been receiving a lot of questions about maintaining the weight ,gain from using Apetamin. First let me say, everything I post is my opinion and from my own personal experience. In no way am I a doctor, I can only go off my experience and can't speak for everyone. As we know, everyone body is different and what works for one might not work for all. From my experience, I gain weight fast by using Apetamin.

 But one of the main questions I received is " Does the weight remain"? From my experience, months after using Apetamin I did notice I started to lose some of the weight. So recently I decided to purchase some more and this time the weight sticked. What I have notice is Apetamin is great to get you started on your weight gain journey and can definitely expedite the process but I notice if you want to maintain the weight, working out and having a high protein diet can help you keep those extra pounds. Once again this is what worked for me. I have been able to maintain my pounds without needing to purchase more Apetamin. Good Luck to you all on your weight gain journey.

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